The History of Jewelry
When did pieces started being recognized as “Jewelry”? When did human beings start offering, selling, and wearing pieces that signify beauty, emotion, and belonging? Let us dive deeper into the history of Jewelry and answer key questions that we all ask ourselves daily.
When was jewelry first invented?
Jewelry has always been a way to share status and wealth with others. Social ranking can be defined by a single piece of jewelry, whether it is a bracelet, a necklace, or an earring.
The first piece of jewelry was not created by humans (Homo Sapiens) but by Neanderthals living in Europe. Perforated beaded bracelets for women and men made with seashells have been found ages of more than 115,00 years in a Cave on the South-East coast of Spain.

How has Jewelry evolved?
Of course, jewelry worn in the old days were not made as they are today. Ancient jewelry was made of materials such as feathers, bones, shells, and pebbles. Diamonds only became popular when humans learned how to cut them and show their brilliance. This was in Europe in the 14th century. Whatever jewelry was made of, the signification has always been the same: it represents raking, beauty, social status, and emotion.
What is the history of beaded jewelry?
Handmade beaded jewelry for women and men was made of many types of beads. Bead makers were expected to keep the bead-making recipe a secret and sometimes even had to sacrifice themselves for that cause. Beaded bracelets for men and women were worn and exchanged over more than 70,000 years ago. Although beaded necklaces for women and beaded bracelets for women were more popular, other types of beaded jewelry were sold as well.
When was gold first used?
Gold has existed on our planet for more than 200 million years and was discovered in its most natural state: in streams and in the ground. However, humans started manipulating gold approximately 700 B.C. in Greece. Its brilliance and resistance made gold a precious commodity and eventually a viable currency. The first gold coins were created in 700 B.C. By 564 BC, it is said that King Croesus of Lydia established the first international gold currency.

Jewelry is one of the most valuable items purchased on the market today. Its history shows many patterns of creation with different elements involved in Jewelry, each having a different meaning.